Google Announces New Features For AI-Powered Search Ads. How Will This Benefit Marketers?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Google Ads is nothing new. For years, the platform has been replacing manual processes and introducing AI to improve the performance of its clients’ ads.

Examples of this are Smart Bidding, Responsive Ads, and various other improvements implemented on the platform to understand the target audience of campaigns and deliver better ads to the right people based on their interests, online behavior, and other information collected from its users.

And it doesn’t stop there, we have news!

Google has just announced new tools that promise to further improve its ads through constant learning and the creative power provided by artificial intelligence.

Find out now what’s new and how it can benefit marketers in their work.

Automatic creation of ads with Artificial Intelligence

Thinking about and testing ad titles and descriptions can be challenging. Not just because of the amount of work itself, but the velocity of the tests and the creativity constantly required to increase your performance.

For this, Google has come up with an incredible solution that has already increased conversions at an average of 2% compared to the responsive ads that we are already familiar with.

This new feature allows Google to provide far better combinations of titles and descriptions. In addition, it automatically creates new text options based on the context of the ad, keyword, performance, content of the landing page, among others.

Source: Google Ads

New customer acquisition objective

Another new feature is a new target for acquiring new customers.

This goal helps you acquire new customers more efficiently, allowing your campaigns to bid higher for new customers compared to existing ones, or even bid exclusively for new customers.

The objective is that you can generate a larger pipeline for your company, increasing revenue and decreasing new customer acquisition costs (CAC).

If you want to know more about this feature, go to this page and see in more detail how it can improve the performance of your campaigns.

How marketers can benefit from artificial intelligence in their Google campaigns

Artificial Intelligence has been an increasingly talked about subject among people in recent times.

And it’s no wonder! Every day we are surprised with new tools and functionalities that help professionals from different areas to optimize time, generate new ideas, save resources and maximize the performance of their activities.

Google’s AI-powered search ads show a new phase for  the platform that is even more focused on generating better results for advertisers and delivering a better experience for its users.

With the ability to deliver more personalized ads, automate the ad creation and delivery process, and increased testing capabilities, these new features have the potential to transform the way we advertise online.

As more companies start using artificial intelligence in their ads, we can expect to see more innovative and effective campaigns, which I believe is great news for marketers and consumers alike.

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