New Twitter Multimedia Update Brings More Opportunities To Creators And Marketers

Twitter has been in the spotlight lately, due to the troubled negotiation with Elon Musk. But even with this uncertain scenario, that hasn’t stopped them from working hard to launch updates and new features to their users. 

After the feed algorithm, created to provide a better user experience while navigating the platform, and the edit button, which allows users to post-editing their tweets, Twitter rolls out mixed media tweets for all users worldwide.

This brand-new Twitter update allows creators and brands to upload up to 4 images, videos, and/or GIFs in one tweet. All 4 media can be in the same format, or you can mix them as you like. Pretty cool, right?

To give you a little taste of what mixed media look like, the side-by-side tweet, with a photo and a video, is already one of the users’ favorites on the bird’s social network. 

And to get even better results from videos, this change complements another important update that adds a video carousel to the Explore tab. In other words: Twitter’s mixed media helps brands and creators to post videos, and the carousel feature helps users to find them.

How Can You, As A Marketer, Suit This New Feature In Your Strategy?

Well, with this movement, it is getting clearer to us that Twitter is no longer a “280 characters” platform, text-focused only. 

More and more, we can see that Twitter aims to create a multimedia-sharing environment and provide brands and creators with more ways to tell their stories. According to their own statement, “this update is the latest example of how we’re working to make Twitter the easiest and most convenient place to share images, videos, and other creative content.”

I would say that this decision is more strategic than it seems at a first sight. It’s been a while since we’ve been watching short-form videos winning users’ hearts on different platforms. In September 2021, for example, TikTok celebrated reaching 1 billion monthly active users. Not by chance, Instagram is increasingly investing in Reels, very similar to TikTok’s format. 

As you can see, it is undeniable that consumers today love videos and often prefer them to other types of content. With that in mind, Twitter didn’t fall behind, and neither should you.

Here are some tips to help you with that: 

  • Start looking at your Twitter strategy as a multimedia-sharing channel. More than ever, it is important to have a creative person taking care of your Twitter account. 
  • Now that videos are a “must-do” in the Digital world, take a moment to dive deeper into this format! You can understand the best format for your strategy and get inspired by brands that are successfully using video marketing.
  • Video content matches pretty well with a good storytelling strategy. With this format, it is easier to build emotional narratives and connect with your audience. 
  • Last, but far from least: don’t be afraid to explore possibilities, and to test this new feature! Twitter’s mixed media is brand-new to everyone, so there is no “right and wrong” here.

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